Submit a Paper
Authors are invited to submit contributions for review and possible presentation at ANTEM 2025 on topics relevant to the symposium. You can see the list of ANTEM topics in the Call for Papers page. All initial submissions must be received in PDF format on or before Friday, January 31, 2025, 23:59 PM Eastern US Time (EST) (UTC-5). Initial submissions will not be accepted after this date. The format of all submissions is PDF and must be created according to IEEE specifications. All papers must be written in clear idiomatic English. Papers will be reviewed by at least two referees for novelty, technical merit and content and notice of acceptance/rejection will be emailed to the corresponding author. Accepted papers must be presented at the conference by one of the author(s).
Submission Requirements
- Submissions shall have a minimum of 3 pages and a maximum of 4 pages in length, encompassing all text, references, and figures.
- The paper shall be formatted as an IEEE 2-column conference paper
- The submitted papers shall be in PDF format, created according to IEEE specifications.
- It is imperative that all fonts are embedded within the PDF file to meet IEEE Xplore requirements.
- Papers shall use the IEEE Conference Template in US letter format found at the IEEE Website or in the links below
Initial Submission Instructions
Prepare your final paper using the IEEE double-column US letter style format using IEEE Conference Proceeding templates available at the IEEE Website or in the links above.
- For IEEEtran class in LaTeX, use the following as the first line in your LaTeX source file:
\documentclass[10pt, conference]{IEEEtran}
- Note that with IEEE conferences, the author affiliation is listed under the author’s name, unlike IEEE transactions.
- Do not add any page numbering, header or footer. A copyright clearance code notice must only be added to the final version of the paper.
- Ensure that all fonts are embedded in the PDF before submission.
- The PDF version of your submission must be at least 1.4.
- Please ensure that your paper margins adhere to the IEEE standards for a US letter conference manuscript
- Top margin: 0.75 in
- Bottom margin: 1.0 in
- Left and right margins: 0.625 in
- Please proofread your source document thoroughly before submission for spelling mistakes or major updates in your text
- Please note that in addition to the corrections proposed by reviewers, only minor changes to the title and/or abstract may be accepted between initial and final submissions. Changes to author list are NOT allowed between initial and final submissions.
ANTEM 2025 uses the EDAS Conference and Journal Management System to manage first submissions and reviews. To submit your paper to ANTEM 2025, you must first create an EDAS account; if you already have an EDAS account from another conference, you can skip this step. Click here for more instructions on how to create your EDAS account.
Before submitting a manuscript for review, the paper has to be registered. Click here to access the ANTEM 2025 submission system.
ANTEM 2025 topics are divided in different groups of topics, known in the EDAS system as “tracks.” After logging in to EDAS and clicking on the button above, you should see the table below. Please click on the appropriate track name to start your paper registration
After that, you should then see the web form for registering your paper submission. Fill in the form.
- Enter title and abstract of the paper. Your paper title should NOT be in all upper or all lower-case.
- Check the box “Add yourself as author” if you are indeed an author of the paper. You can add other authors later and you can change the order of authors. Note that ANTEM 2025 does not allow you to add or delete authors after the submission deadline.
- Select the topics from the list of paper topics that best classify your paper.
- Once you have all the information filled in, click on the “Submit” button at the bottom of the page. This will lead to a page that acknowledges your paper’s registration and allows you to add authors. A confirmation e-mail will be sent to you.
Add authors by following the link after registering the paper or going to your EDAS home page and following the link for your paper. Note that your paper has to have at least one author before you can submit a manuscript.
- In the form below, enter each author using either their EDAS identifier, email address or their last name. Each author must be registered in EDAS.
- You will then be prompted to choose among existing EDAS entries:
- If an author is not yet registered in EDAS, you will be prompted for the information (name, email address, affiliations, …) to register them and they will receive an email with their password.
You cannot add records for authors that already have EDAS accounts. There are no correspondence authors, as all authors are notified by email after their paper has been reviewed.
After registering your paper submission, you must upload your actual paper in PDF format according to the requirements presented above.
- To upload your paper right after registering your submission, simply follow the EDAS instructions on the acknowledgement page.
- Alternatively, you can upload your paper later from your EDAS homepage. From there, you can upload your paper by clicking on the upload icon in the line that shows your paper’s basic information.
- After you return to your EDAS homepage, you will see your uploaded paper. If you click on the paper number, you will see the paper details. If you click on the paper under “Document (show)”, you will see the PDF version that you uploaded.
- From your EDAS homepage, you can see the status of your paper. Initially, when you are registered but yet to upload your paper, EDAS will highlight the paper with white color as pending, to show that no version of your paper PDF file has been uploaded yet. After your paper has been uploaded, the color indicating the status will change to yellow (“active (has manuscript)”), and a confirmation e-mail will be sent to all authors.
- After you have submitted your paper, you can revise your submission at any time before the submission deadline.
- To revise your submission, go to your EDAS homepage. Just upload a new PDF version the same way you did already for the previous version. Please do not register and submit a new version as if it were a separate new paper, since this will duplicate the paper registration records.
Final Submission Instructions
After review, a notification of acceptance was sent on March 1, 2025. If your paper has been accepted, please submit a final version of the paper shall be submitted no later than April 1, 2025. Final submissions must meet IEEE Xplore specifications, including embedding of all fonts into the PDF file. As per the instructions please use PDF eXpress to create your Xplore compliant submission (Conference ID: 64578X).
Each accepted paper must be linked to an author with a full author registration fee paid to be included in the technical program and published in IEEEXplore. One full author registration can cover only one paper. Please see the Registration page for more information.
After you receive your confirmation email, check your EDAS account for any feedback from the reviewers that might require editing your paper. If your paper does not require any revisions, please proceed to the next steps of the final submission.
Please note that, at this stage, only minor edits to fix typos on the title and author names are allowed to your submission. It is not permitted to add new authors to the paper at this stage. If you have any problems, please contact the conference chair.
All final (camera-ready) manuscripts must be generated using the PDF Xpress tool. To generate the IEEE Xplore-compatible PDF file of your paper(s), please follow these steps:
- Log in to the IEEE PDF eXpress site:
- First-time users should do the following:
- Select Create account
- Enter the following:
- 64578X for the Conference ID
- Your email address
- A password
- Continue to enter information as prompted. An Online confirmation will be displayed and an email confirmation will be sent verifying your account setup.
- Once you have registered as a new user:
- Upload the source file (containing your paper) for conversion.
- Receive by e-mail the IEEE Xplore-compatible PDF of your paper for download. Please do not change the PDF file name received.
- If your paper conversion is declined (Not approved by IEEE), the system will provide you with the errors log. You need to fix it and re-do the same process.
- Previous users of PDF Xpress need to follow the above steps but should enter the same password that was used for previous conferences. Verify that your contact information is valid.
Registration and final paper submission for ANTEM 2025 will be done through PayQlick.
When registering, please select one of the Author Registration options available in the registration page and follow the steps shown on the website.
You can find registration rates and more information in our Registration page.
A copyright form is also needed for each accepted paper. Once the registration is completed, you will receive a confirmation email of your registration (The receipt will be attached to the same email), and be redirected to the Registration Confirmed page:
- Click on View My Registration in your Registration Confirmed page
- Click on the Copyright Form button to be redirected to the IEEE eCF (electronic copyright form) page
- Follow the instructions in the IEEE eCF to submit your copyright form
After submitting your IEEE eCF form, upload the camera-ready paper you prepared using IEEE PDF Xpress.
- After finishing your IEEE eCF submission, reopen the View My Registration page at PayQlick
- Click on the Camera Ready (Must be IEEE PDF Certified) button
- Follow the instructions to upload your camera ready PDF
Please note that you may reupload the PDF as much as needed as long as before the camera-ready deadline.
Conference Proceedings
Accepted papers are planned to be included in the IEEE ANTEM 2025 Conference Proceedings and submitted for inclusion in IEEE Xplore and other Abstracting and Indexing (A&I) databases. To ensure inclusion, at least one author of an accepted paper must register for the conference at the Author rate and present the paper. IEEE reserves the right to exclude an accepted paper from IEEE Xplore if it is not presented at the conference.